oct 95-dec 95

dream journal

30 December
I had written one of the stories from "Four Rooms" and Quentin Tarantino was directing it. He was complimenting me on the story and, though I was very flattered, I avoided him because I thought he might be flirting with me and he's just too much of a dweeb.

16 December
I was in a production of "A Midsummer's Night Dream" directed by Amy Enell. I was Titania again and I was wearing the mask that I'd made for makeup class. Typical actor's nightmare stuff, but with a twist: I remembered all the lines, but realized that all of Titania's scenes had been cut.

13 December
Something about being held captive in a closet by some evil person and her child. I tried unsuccessfully to escape by hitting the child with a chair and as punishment the woman said she was going to set me on fire. She doused me with some kind of reactive substance and then explained that she was going to start pouring this other liquid on top of that one and it would eventually react with the first and make me burst into flame. She started to pour that stuff on me. I was afraid, but I knew I wouldn't be killed. I kept my mouth scrunched shut and my eyes tightly closed. Didn'tt want any of that stuff on the inside. At some point I realized that it wasn't working and it wasn't going to work. I felt a bit warm in spots, but I thought it was just the power of suggestion and not really any chemical reaction producing flames. I opened my eyes. The woman eventually gave up and let me go.

22 November
Waiting in the Circle in a truck, Toby at the wheel. We were dispatching folks in other cars for Meals on Wheels when I suddenly remember that this can't be Thanksgiving since I have to be elsewhere on Thanksgiving. Then what the hell were we doing there? I think to ask, but Toby starts to drive and I keep quiet. I think at first that he's going to take me home, but he turns the wrong way down 28th and I'm too embarrassed to say anything. Myrlin is there, too, which makes me feel a little more comfortable, though I wonder why she is not driving. Sights get more and more unfamiliar and I finally ask where we're going. You're going to the concert, right?, says Toby. What concert? I feel bad for not saying anything sooner, especially with Myrlin in the car and with Toby going so far out of his way to take us to the concert (which he himself was not attending). Several freeway exits and twists and turns down half-familiar streets later, and we're somewhere in Milwaukie and I think that I've been here before, but I haven't. Still feeling bad about the misunderstanding, I say, Drop us here, this is fine, when we get to the hotel which happens to be the same hotel where the concert is. We went into the hotel into the concert hall which was small for a concert, I thought. I take a seat in the very back and set my suff down on the seat beside me. An older man approaches and asks is this seat taken to which I apologize for taking up the seat and say no, please, sit. Eavesdropping on passing conversations, I figured out that this man I was sitting next to was actually GUS VAN SANT (tho' he was actually much too old to be gus) and I was proud and pleased to be sitting next to the man himself (whose concert this was, incidentally). Other friends of mine were there (esp. those from high school) and I heard one of them say look! it's Michele! and it surely was Michele\ Whitworth who was looking much more female than I had expected her to appear. I went to greet her and though pleased she seemed unsurprised. I was talking to someone in her entourage of friends who was very much entranced by a block of amber on the table by the wall. We sat down because it was time for the "concert" (Gus's speech) to begin.

21 November
I. Under some kind of false pretnese I was attending one of the classes of... y'know, the guy. I was extremely nervous especially since in the dream he was still in high school (I was still a college student, as normal) and I felt very silly sitting in this desk chairs again and I felt much older than everyone else. I'm not exactly sure why I was there. Maybe I was doing some kind of study or survey or something, or maybe thay were covering a topic that day in class that would be somehow necessary in my thesis. I think that I thought all these possibilities at one point or another during the dream. Whatever the pretense was, the real reason I was there was for him. I sat in the seat behind his. He wasn't in class yet, but I knew it was his seat because there was a shirt hanging on the back of the chair which I recognized as his, plus it was a gym shirt or something and had his name written in sharpie on the sleeve. I thought for awhile about stealing it and wearing, but thought better of it. Good thing, too, because he soon walked in and I would have felt like a goober if he had caught me trying to steal his shirt. He sat down. He seemed unsurprised tosee me, but he was preoccupied with being in the class. Apparently, he had missed several sessions and now was skulking back with that I-know-I-haven't-been-here-but-please-don't-give-me-a-hard-time slouch. We exchanged a few words and I think on the whole he was glad to see me there, despite his aloofness. We talked a bit about his shirt and I started pulling stuff out of my backpack, stuff that I had brought along specifically to impress him. I decided not to pull out the shirt I have that's just like his, but I did take out one of those wire hoop windshield visor things and handed it to him saying, "Fancy!"
II. Meridith exploded. I mean she really exploded. There were bits of her everywhere. Everyone was very upset, but very restrained in their response to the event. See, we all knew it would happen sooner or later, but we were still sad and surprised when it finally happened.
III. Very sketchy: I was on my way to celeste's apartment - she lived in Wimbledon. On the way there I was trying to remember her whole name, thinking that "Celeste" was actually a dimunitive form of a longer name and I was annoyed that I could only remember her nickname. After some thought I decided the full name was "Celestemartini" (one word), but then I realized that I'd had this whole train of thought before and discovered then that her full name is just "Celeste." I got to Wimbledon and found myself extremely disoriented. I wandered through the buildings looking for Celeste's apartment. I gave up. Thomas McElroy came by and seeing that I was lost offered to take me out to lunch. It was awfully nice for him to do so and we had a lovely lunch until something went wrong, I don't know what, and we fought and I wound up punching him right in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. In the dream, this scene played and re-played in slow-mo several times.

17 November
I discovered that I was preganant, already several months along, and I wanted to have an abortion, but I realized that I didn't know where to go since so many clinics had been bombed or otherwise shut down. Time was running out. It would soon be too late for me to have an abortion. I was extremely angry during the rest of the dream about the lack of options for women.

15 Novemeber
I. I was looking for a shirt of mine. It was in his (y'know, the guy I won't name here) room which was just down the hall. I thought he wasn't in so i went inside to get the shirt. He was in the room, but asleep so I tried to be really quiet and crawled around looking for the shirt. He woke up and asked what I was doing which I divulged. He said, "The shirt's on top of the refrigerator." It was.
II. I was watching this on TV or in a movie or something: a man was plotting to kill his wife and in order to do so he turns himself into a large sheet of paper tacked to the wall. She comes home and seeing the paper takes up a pen and writes "sleet, selet" and other nonsensical anagrams for the word "steel". This contacts the police in some way. He waits until right before the police arrive to shoot her (so that she has a beter chance of surviving). He shoots, the police arrive, she understands that he has tried to save her. He morphs from the being the paper into being the butler. She knows this but says nothing to the cops as they take her to the hospital. Then the husband/butler "leaps" (quantumly, complete with blue sizzle) and dispappears. She says, "Wherever he is, he is happy."

11 November
There was a huge, raging party in the Foster-Scholz Lounge kitchen. The kitchen in the dream was no bigger than it is in reality, but it fit more people than you'd think it could. Still, there was some oveflow into the lounge itself. The only people at the party that I actually knew (all the people there were Reedies, so I sort of knew them) were Darcy and Celeste, neither of whom really wanted to be there. I, however, was dancing and having a great time. It was so crowded that everyone had to stand with their arms straight up in the air (made sense at the time). The pagan guy from De Anza about whom Gary wrote to me a while back was there and I was talking to him and trying to convince him to come to Reed. He was hesitant, though, because the party seemed like such a rollicking good time that he was afraid that his academics would suffer in such an atmosphere. So I tried to explain to him that this was quite unusual, but in the noise and confusion of the party, I eventually lost track of him in the crowd. Some other guy was there and at the end of one song right after I lost the guy and was looking around for him, that guy bent down to kiss me. I think he thought that I was looking for him. I pushed him away and looked over at Darcy and Celeste as I rolled my eyes. I walked out into the lounge. This is where it gets really confusing and I can't remember exactly what happened to get to me to the nextr point, but eventually I wound up in this storage room with a bunch of other people and we were all waiting for some guy to lead us on some kind of expedition through the land which one got to through the door on the other side of the room. The only specific person I remember being there was Dave Bennett. I was talking to him (I think he may have been th eonly person in the room that I knew). Trying to make conversation, I asked him if he lived with Harmony and he laughed and said that he didn't which I knew to be untrue so I was really confused for awhile. Then the guy got there and we went through the door. I can't remember much about the expedition except that it was extremely dangerous and scary and at the very end I had to crawl (crab walk, actually) over barbed wire to get out. The tricky part of the barbed wire was that at the very end, there was an unbarbed wire that somehow was more dangerous than the barbed ones. But I made it through.

10 November
I am quite sure that in this dream there was a strong narrative structure that held the whole thing together, but what exactly it was is not something I remember now. What I do remember of the dream comes in quick, vivid images. Here is what I remember:
Matt and I were walking to a house belonging to an older married couple. Did we know them already? Were they relatives of some sort? Were they even expecting us? I don't recall.
We snuck into their kitchen some time after being there to look for food. I opened the refrigerator which was full of food. All of the food was contained in separate metal bowls, like the kind used for serving salad. I took out a bowl full of chocolate-covered orange candy sticks and ate them all. They were yummy. Matt found a bowl French bread cut into slices and another bowl of butter (there were several sticks all cut in half to make little cubes of butter) and Matt ate that.
I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw that my hair was really quite long. I was pleased that my hair had grown, but it didn't look very attractive at all.
We were all at a swimming pool and I was debating whether or not I wanted to go swimming because my suit was wet and I hate having to put on a wet suit.
I had to get from the house to 37th and Holgate. This was desperately important. There was a store of some kind there that I needed to go to. I was somewhere on Powell, I think it was around Milwaukie. When I pictured 37th and Holgate, though, I couldn't think of what store could possibly be there, but I was sure that that was the address.
9 November
I was standing in the bathroom in a friend's house, fixing my hair in the mirror. I bent down for a moment, I think to get a drink of water from the faucet. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my throat and I stood up to see that something small and sharp had stabbed me in the neck. Horrified and fascinated, I gently pulled the offending object from my neck to see that it was one of those little plastic swords used in restaurants to keep one's sandwich together. I looked in the mirror to inspect the damage and saw that the wound, though large and ugly, was not bleeding at all. In fact, I could see directly into my throat, clearly able to discern my esophagus and trachea and also able to see that the sword had punctured my larynx. I considered for a moment the problematic nature of calling for help when my larynx was essentially gone. But then I became entranced by the fact that there was no blood, only a bit of goo where my larynx should have been. I got a bit of tissue from the toilet paper roll and though there was no blood to worry about, I feared that there would be soon, so I held the tissue to my throat as I called for help. Surprisingly, I could speak, though not very loudly. Some friends came to my assistance, but no one seemed too terribly alarmed. I asked for a phone which I received and I called 911, but was unable to articulate the problem. I asked someone else to take care of it which I suppose they did though I didn't see it happen. I waited for a long time and no ambulance came. I tried not to make a big deal about it since no one else seemed to think it was very bad, but my throat hurt a lot.

5 November
Darcy and I were repainting our apartment and making a few other household repairs. Realizing that she couldn't quite reach the ceiling she said, "We really need a stretch ladder. You should go buy one." Not knowing what a "stretch ladder" is exactly, I decided to ignore her suggestion for the time being and go grocery shopping. I brought along the monster, my huge green suitcase to aid in my shopping endeavour. I filled up my bag with groceries until it was near breaking and made my way out the door when I realized that I'd forgotten to buy eggs which was the main thing I was after when I left to go shopping in the first place. But the bag was too full already and I was out of money so I just went home. Darcy was gone and I remembered that the reason she had left was because there was a play she was directing which was opening that night. I was in the play in the lead role, but my call time was not for another hour. To kill time, I continued with some of the household projects we were working on before when I suddenly came into agreement with what Darcy said earlier: we needed a stretch ladder. I decided to go out in search of it and though I still didn't know exactly what it was I figured that folks who work at a hardware store would and if I just said, "I need a stretch ladder" they would understand. Also, I figured that I could pick up eggs while I was out getting the ladder. I left the apartment, but I couldn't get the cats to stay inside so I told them that they could come along if they stayed near me. They were unusually responsive and gamboled and trotted around in the streets but never strayed too far.
The first stop I made was True Value, a safe bet, I thought. Turns out that the neighborhood True Value hardware store was actually a front for KOPB radio which used the proceeds from the store to pay for the radio station. The problem was that the store was really run-down and didn't have much of anything useful so the whole idea was pretty much a flop. The DJ was broadcasting with a little tinny boom box (don't ask me how) in the back room. I asked to see the stretch ladder and he rummaged around for a while and finally found the ladder I was looking for in the closet. It wasn't what I had imagined the stretch ladder to be, though it still looked useful. I climbed up it andalthough it was a little shaky I wanted to buy it even if just to support public broadcasting. "How much?" I asked. "Thirty-eight dollars," was his response. That seemed reasonable to me but then I suddenly remembered the problem I had earlier at the grocery store: no money. I told him to hold the ladder for me and I would be back later.
As I was walking home with the cats, I decided to stop by another hardware store to compare the prices. The store I went to, like True Value, was owned by KBOO. Though it was also a bit run-down it appeared to be far more successful than the KOPB store. There was a lot more stuff and it wasn't as much of a sty as the other place. Also, there were several people working there and they had more sophisticated broadcasting equipment. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. I asked if it was okay for the cats to come inside, but they said that one of the DJs was allergic to cats. They didn't have stretch ladders anyway so I wasn't there long. I went back home, pleased that the cats had stayed with me the entire time. When I got home I looked at my watch and saw that there was only a half an hour until curtain for the show. I hurriedly tried to get ready, but I was still planning to drop by and pick up the ladder before going to the show. I was also waiting for someone (I can't remember who) to pick me up to take me to the theatre. That person eventually showed up, but she had never driven before so maneuvering around on the streets with her was a strange sort of activity. I had her take me back to True Value which we managed without dying and I bought the ladder. Struggling with the bulky purchase I got back into the car and we were off for the theatre. When I got to the theatre the dream turned into your typical actor's nightmare: 2 minutes til curtain, I don't know any of my lines, everyone else knows their lines but won't help me, costumes aren't ready, house is full, etc.
Wow, that was a long dream.

4 November
I was reading a copy of Feudal Society by Marc Bloch and noticed that it was edited by, among other people, Stephanie Coontz author of the book we recently read for Senior Symposium. I was confused for awhile because I don't think she was even alive at the time that the book was written, but I eventually reconciled it by figuring that she is just older than I had previously imagined she was. As I read through the book, I realized that he was making a very strange argument that the 1960s in the United States marked a brief return of feudalistic society. The argument was compelling and persuasive until I realized that Marc Bloch was long dead before the sixties. "This is bullshit," I cried. "Marc Bloch couldn't have known this since he was a martyr for the French resistance!"

Darcy and I were moving from our apartment to a larger house with a lot of people already living there. I was trying to figure out how to pack everything efficiently and thoroughly when I realized that I was not only already in the new house, but all of my stuff was there. "Well, I guess I'll start unpacking," I thought, though I was annoyed that the previous resident had not yet completely moved his/her things out of my new room. I opened the closet which was filled with hanging clothes and again I was angry that all the space was taken up. But then I looked at the clothes and saw that they were my own clothes and, in fact, all of the stuff in the room was mine, too, all unpacked and arranged the way I wanted it. I must have unpacked so efficiently and quickly that I hadn't even noticed myself doing it. I pushed aside some of the clothes in the closet and saw that there was a woman in a wheelchair behind all of the clothes. She was a friend of mine who had recently been paralysed. There were several friends (perhaps about a dozen people altogether) gathered in the living room anxiously awaiting our arrival and they burst into applause when they saw us. I gingerly rolled my friend down the three steps into the room and as I did so she began to sing the song "One" from "A Chorus Line" which inspired more applause. I rolled her into the middle of the living room and sat down in a nearby chair as she continued with her performance. Toward the end of the song she arose shakily from her chair and danced a few hesitant steps before ending the song and collapsing back into her chair. All the gathered spectators gave her a thunderous round of applause.

3 November
All I remember are unconnected, but vivid, scenes from the dream. I think they were at one point well-connected into a single narrative, but this is all I remember now:
I was trying to draw a picture of a waterfall which fell from a flat, green cliff. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the picture until I realized that I hadn't drawn in a source for the waterfall on top of the plateau of the cliff. I drew that in, but there was still something wrong. I drew a hasty, crooked black line at the point where the cliff began to descend and was satisfied. "Ahhh, perspective!" I said.
I saw a Reedie friend at a restaurant which was atop the cliff I was trying to draw earlier. I said, "You never talk to me anymore!" and she responded, "This is a good thing." I told Darcy about this conversation and she said, "She always says that."
I saw an advertisement for "erotic cakes" which was on a book of matches that Justin gave to me when I asked him the meaning of the phrase. Apparently, they were just small chunks of clay that could potentially be shaped into something erotic. I failed to see the marketing potential of such a product. (finger jglouie@csua.berkeley.edu to understand where this is coming from)

1 November
I was living in an apartment which looked kind of like a cross between my apartment now and the Arbitrarium in Wimbledon. The apartment was also the library, but only for the people living there (who included Adam Warner, Darcy, Suzie and my sister, I think). My thesis desk was set up next to Adam's just like it is now, but his desk was blocking the TV so I was trying to rearrange the desks in the apartment so that they would not be in the way. I tried several things and none of them worked; the desks were too big. I was beginning to get desperate because for some reason I knew I'd be really embarrassed about the whole situation when Adam found out (he wasn't home at the time). I finally gave up and tried to watch TV from under the desk. Suddenly, Adam was in the living room and he said, "Come on! I'll show you where I moved the desks!" We went back into the far bedroom (which kinda looked like Darcy's current bedroom) and the desks were there in a little alcove set in the west wall. I was bouncing up and down, ecstatically happy that he had discovered this before unseen alcove. I was also pleased because there were two twin beds on opposite sides of the room, too (and now the apt. was more like a dorm than a library), and I was looking forward to falling asleep to the sound of typing. I was thinking nostalgically about my Scholz days when Erica would be using my computer after I went to bed.

28 October
[My dreams have been rather mundane lately and difficult to remember. I haven't bothered to put them up here since they would be of little or no interest to anyone including myself (not that I necessarily think that these dreams listed here benefit humanity in any way, but at least most of them are amusing if nothing else) and also because some of them needed be censored not for questionable content (remember, my dreamlife has been exceedingly mundane) but for the potential embarrassment of revealing that many of my dreams of late have involved a certain person who shall remain nameless. But then I realized that I doubt anyone actually reads this (except maybe Matt) and that this dream journal is more for my benefit than that of the web community at large. I set forth such a lengthy and rambling argument in order to excuse the entries herein which are exceptionally short and hardly at all interesting.]
Last night's dream involved the nameless man yet again. We were standing with a group of people outside of the SEEDS office and he was talking about how he was planning a party in the SEEDS lounge where 25 bands would play between 6p.m. and 6 a.m of the day of the concert. I was displeased with the whole idea because there should have been 24 bands to make everything even and because I was afraid I would have to clean up the mess.

22 October
I was standing at the reserve desk and Ben and Kristi were working there. There were several people standing around chatting as people are wont to do around the reserve desk and Kristi suddenly mentioned that she was having an affair with a Reed professor (she mentioned the name, but I don't remember who he was; it might have not actually referred to an actual prof). As if to one-up her, Ben non-chalantly but quickly said that he was having an affair with Lena Lencek. This, of course, stopped everyone dead in their tracks. At first, I thought he was lying, but I later saw them together and it was clearly true. (thanks go to Darcy for reminding me that when I tell people about this dream, especially when on the Reed campus, in case there should be any eavesdroppers, I should repeat loudly and clearly several times during the narrative, "this was a dream, _not_ real.")

21 October
I was in Seattle hanging out with Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix. I had somehow travelled back in time and this was now shortly before River's death and I knew that my duty there was either to make sure that he didn't die or to ascertain without a doubt the cause of his death. I was hoping it would be the former because as I hung out with the two of them the more I liked both of them, River in particular.
Both of them asked me not to call them by their more well-known names; Keanu was to be "Golf Ball" or "Pink" and River, I believe, was supposed to be "Ring Pop". If I really wanted to annoy Keanu, though, I'd call him "Canoe" which he really hated and I think I only used once because he was being a jerk. Anyway, we hung out and did Seattle things together, though mostly all we did was hang around their apartment (nice aprtment, too). I knew that the time for River's death was coming near and that I had to stop it, but I wasn't allowed to say anything to either one of them. The closest I got to mentioning it to either one of them was when I was looking at River's ring collection (a box full of really interesting and artistic, though clunky and large, rings) and asked him if he had willed them to anyone yet. I think I was hoping that he would will them to me.
River left the apartment without my noticing and I asked GolfBall (note: during the dream I thought of River as River though outloud I called him "RingPop", but Keanu I always thought of either as "Pink" or more commonly "GolfBall" as if those were the names I'd known him by all along) where he'd gone and he said, "I think he went somewhere to meet girls." I knew that this was when River would die because I remembered that River died outside a club so I made GolfBall drive me to all of their favorite clubs. We got kind of lost because, as I was explaining to Golf, "Seattle is deceptively like San Francisco, but actually completely different."
I got kind of trapped at this one club for awhile because there was a woman there who kept talking to me and trying to get me to dance. I finally got out, knowing that much time had been wasted, and realized that Pink had disappeared, too. I knew I'd never make it to River in time.

14 October
I was running from a mob of zombies who were attacking the greater Portland area. They were everywhere and zombism was extremely contagious. I finally found a safe warehouse-type place to hide and once I locked the door I heard a knock and a man pleading for me to open the door and let him hide there, too. I could see him through the crack in the door and could tell that he was not a zombie so I let him in. He thanked me profusely and said that a zombie had just bitten him. I got really angry with him and scared because I knew of the zombie contagion of which he obviously did not know. He suddenly screamed out in pain and bent over and when he stood up he was carrying a baby in his arms to which he must have just given birth. I knew that the baby must be a zombie simply because a man gave birth to it and therefore something was clearly amiss. The man collapsed, dead, and the baby crawled away very quickly. I chased after it meaning to kill it, but it was very speedy and smarter than your average newborn. It turned itself into a white paper cup (like the cups at the Paradox) which I at first thought was a really dumb move since it would be very easy to crush a paper cup. But I realized when I walked into the room into which it rolled, that the reason it had done that was because there were similar cups everywhere in that room and I had to start crushing them all indiscriminately, which I knew would be an ultimatey futile effort.

10 October
I was in a conference in Vollum (not any specific class, though) and all of the students in it were friends ofmine, or at least people that I know. We were waiting for
Minott Kerr who was the professor for the class, but he was running late so he had arranged for a student to come lead the conference in his absence. Though she was a Reedie I had never seen her before. She had no idea what to do; she didn't even know what we were reading for that day. In exasperation, she said, "Well, why don't we just tell jokes, then?" Nobody had any better ideas so we all agreed to do so. She started out the joke-telling with some very old, well-known joke (which I can no longer remember) and though it was vaguely funny, no one even chuckled. It was one of those painful conference silences for a while until Jon Kiparsky finally said, "I've got a joke" and proceded to tell this "joke" whic h was really just a series of several strange, unconnected vignettes, like:
"I was walking down the street yesterday and I saw a woman carrying a poodle the size of an egg."
"Yesterday at the store a man bought a large bag of pretzels."
and so on. As he went on, with each vignette he grew louder and more intense until he was standing on his chair and shouting. While this had just about reached its peak, Minott finally arrived in class, rushing into the room. And here's the weird part: he was wearing a really large and ill-fitting full-length red leather coat. I was really fascinated because it seems so unlike Minott to own and wear such a garment. As he was rushing in, he looked like he was about to say something, like "Sorry I'm late" or something similar, but he realized that something was going on and instead he sat down quietly so as not to disturb the scene. He looked over at me with a quizzical expression as if to ask what was going on, but i just shrugged since I knew no better than he. During this exchange Jon must have reached his punch line because the whole class was applauding and laughing. Minott, now also applauding, leaned over to me and said, "I see; it's performance art."

5 October
I was in Sweden and everyone in the entire country was attending an assembly in the national arena. It was an awfully big arena (natch) and I was wandering around in it, feeling lost, looking for a seat and fearing that someone would notice that I'm obviously not Swedish and I would be subsequently booted out of the country (which pretty much was within the arena). I heard someone call out my name and I followed the voice up to the higher levels of the bleachers. In fact, I think it may have been the highest level of the stadium. The person who was calling me was a Reedie (exactly who I don't recall, though I am quite sure it was not Carl) and he gestured for me to sit beside him. As he started to scoot over to make more space for me, I saw a rat-like creature scurry by on the seat. I screamed and refused to sit down.
"What's wrong?" the Reedie guy asked innocently.
"THERE'S A RAT ON THE SEAT!" I screamed.
"That's not a rat!" he said picking up the very rat-esque animal.
"What is it then?"
"Don't you remember the song?" he asked surprised that I apparently didn't. At this point he cleared his throat and began to sing:
If it didn't swim underwater
Then it wouldn't be

(and here he raised his hands as if to conduct an orchestra and the rest of Sweden sang along)
A Mexican Underwater Chinchilla!

If it weren't from Mexico
Then it wouldn't be
A Mexican Underwater Chinchilla!